Puente's "Undocubus" Riders Arrested Outside Democratic National Convention

Source: Blog.PhoenixNewTimes.com

Undocumented immigrants who rode across country on the "Undocubus" to protest immigration-related deportations were arrested outside the Democratic National Convention yesterday.

The "No Papers No Fear" mission is supposed to make the point that Dems are as unfavorable to the "Undocubus" riders as Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio when it comes to immigration enforcement.

According to our New York sister paper, the Village Voice, the activists were dropped off in a Charlotte intersection, and sat on a banner in the intersection while holding up signs that said "Undocumented."

From the Voice:

As the police waited, a hard rain began to fall, soaking police, press and protesters alike. Still, the standoff remained. Delegates and conventioneers on their way to the convention center stopped and stared, trying to understand what was happening. Protesters chanted "No papers, no fear! Dignity is standing here!" and "Obama! Escucha! Estamos en la lucha!"

After about 40 minutes, police started making arrests after several warnings, taking in 10 protesters.

Although the protesters obviously faced deportation, the protest's organizers say they have all since been released from Immigration and Customs Enforcement custody.

After the arrests, the group put out the following statement:

"We came out because we are tired of the mistreatment. We are tired of waiting for change and we know that it never comes without risk or without sacrifice.

We know what is at stake in our actions. We know that the Republicans have decided to completely turn their back on our communities.  We also know that President Obama's legacy on immigration is undecided.

We want him to be on the right side of history. And we know that it is the effort of our organized communities that will make that happen.  We want him to be remembered as the one who found the way to include the millions struggling for a better life in this country, not to be remembered as the President who deported more people than anyone else in the history of the country.

We want President Obama to use his executive authority to provide relief from our entire community, students, parents, and all of us."

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