Comedy Central Meets Undocubus
September 11, 2012
Word Association with Comedy Central
September 11, 2012
Video: Undocubus – A Journey From Arizona to the DNC 2012
September 06, 2012
In an action against President Obama’s immigration policies, 10 undocumented immigrants were arrested for civil disobedience in front of the gates to the Democratic National Convention yesterday evening. The 10 arrestees were riders on Undocubus, which made its way cross-country to Charlotte after leaving from Phoenix more than a month ago. After their arrest, immigration authorities questioned them in jail—but following an all-night call-in and petition campaign, all 10 were released this morning.
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Rosario Dawson Calls DNC Immigration Demonstrators ‘Soldiers of the Battle’ [Video]
September 05, 2012
On Tuesday, actress Rosario Dawson, who had been at a nearby forum on immigration, walked over and showed her support for Undocubus demonstrators who traveled from Arizona to Charlotte to urge the Obama administration to stop criminalizing immigrant communities.
“We really need to have better representation and that’s why we continue to have to keep seeing soldiers of the battle keep going down one by one until finally there is a critical mass to make a difference,” Dawson told reporters outside the DNC site where Undocubus members were demonstrating.
Undocumented Activists Arrested Outside DNC After Cross-Country Journey for Immigration Reform
September 05, 2012
One of the first acts of civil disobedience at the Democratic National Convention took place Tuesday just outside the Time Warner Cable Center when a group of 10 undocumented activists rode into uptown Charlotte aboard the "No Papers, No Fear–Ride for Justice" bus and blocked traffic. The activists have been riding aboard the "UndocuBus" protesting the Obama administration’s immigration policies for the past six weeks. They took part in Tuesday’s protest knowing they could face deportation if arrested. Democracy Now! was there when the activists left the bus and marched to the site of the Democratic National Convention. We then spoke to Tania Unzueta, whose father, mother and sister were arrested during the action and possibly face deportation.
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Immigrant Protestors Arrested at the DNC, Feat. Rosario Dawson
September 05, 2012
CHARLOTTE, N.C.-- Ten undocumented protesters were arrested outside the Time Warner Cable convention center, September 4, 2012, where the Democratic National Convention is being held. The protest was put on by an organization called, Undocumented and Unafraid, and featured a bus tour from Phoenix, AR, to Charlotte, NC.
Protesters were surrounded by police in pouring rain as supporters and reporters looked on. The event never turned violent and the ten arrested protesters were taken away in vans.
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The Nation: Undocubus at the DNC
September 04, 2012
Enfrentando Leyes Anti-Inmigrantes Sin Papeles, Sin Miedo
September 03, 2012
Esperaba con entusiasmo unirme a la caravana por la justicia, y viajar en el “Undocubus” y conocer a los “riders” por quienes sentía profunda admiración y respeto por su determinado valor, y por que mis dos hijas han estado en el camión por las ultimas 6 semanas. Llegué el domingo 26 de Agosto a Atlanta a las 4 de la mañana y salimos rumbo a Knoxville, Tennessee.
Durante el viaje todos íbamos catando alegres y optimistas. Llegamos a una iglesia donde se nos dio un espacio para dormir y siempre tuvimos el cariño de los numerosos voluntarios que preparaban abundantes desayunos y exquisitas comidas. Cuanto respeto me inspiraron, querían saberlo todo. De donde veníamos, querían escuchar nuestras historias, querían que supiéramos que ellos nos apoyaban plenamente.
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March on Wall Street South
September 03, 2012
As our first action in Charlotte, North Carolina, we marched for immigrant rights in Charlotte. As part of the March on Wall Street South, we said 'Sin papeles y sin miedo' and called for the private prisons and the politicians to stop profiting off of our community's suffering. Read More »
Sharing Stories with the People of Knoxville
September 01, 2012
This series of stories (and a song!) was recorded during a community event in Knoxville Tennessee. They are examples of one part of the work that we have been doing while traveling through the southern United States.
Esta serie de historias (y una canción) fué grabada durante un evento comunitario en Knoxville, Tennessee. Son ejemplos de una parte del trabajo que hemos estado haciendo mientras viajamos por la parte sur de Estados Unidos.