Eleazar: Para abrir las puertas que le han sido cerradas
August 25, 2012
Eleazar Castellanos es padre jornalero de Arizona quien subió a la jornada de la justicia porque juntos podemos lograr algo mejor por nosotros y nuestros hijos. Después de ver que su hija no podría seguir estudiando en la universidad y después de perder su propio trabajo por las leyes de Arizona, decidió hacer algo mas para abrir las puertas que le han sido cerradas.
Eleazar is a father and day laborer who is on the No Papers No Fear Ride for Justice because together we can accomplish something larger. After seeing his daughter unable to continue her studies and after losing his own job because of the laws in Arizona, he decided to be part of the journey to open the doors that have become closed to him and his community. Film by Barny Qaasim Edited by Barny Qaasim
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Daylaborers for the Right to Work and Just Living Conditions
August 24, 2012
En Alabama visitamos a un grupo de jornaleros, quienes eran victimas de agreción de la policia y violaciones de sus derechos a vivienda justa por parte de la administración de un conjunto de apartamentos, hasta que tambien se comenzaro an organiar y responder. Platicamos con ellos sobre el poder de conocer nuestros derechos, y los apoyamos en hacer un comite, que trabajara para hacer un Centro de Trabajadores en Hoover, Alabama.
In Alabama we visited a group of day laborers, who were victims of police harassment and violation of their rights by housing administrators, until they also organized and fought back. We spoke to them about the power of knowing our rights, and supported them in creating a committee, that will work towards having a worker’s center in Hoover, Alabama.
Witnessing the Birth of a Day Laborer Worker’s Center
August 22, 2012
Members of the No Paper No Fear ride visited a group of day laborers in Hoover, Alabama, who had requested support in organizing. Eleazar is himself a day laborer in Tucson, Arizona, and he was part of the team that helped these workers organize themselves.
It was a great experience in my life, to witness how a group of day laborers organized for dignity in their living conditions and the right to look for work. They were being harassed by the police, ignored and criminalized by their housing administrator, and fearful of being deported. On Friday, we took a small group of No Papers No fear riders, to learn from them about the conditions they lived and worked in, and support their organizing; on Sunday, we held a meeting with the tenants and the day laborers, and on Tuesday we brought the entire group to support a demonstration led by the day laborers for their right to work and good living conditions.
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Hoover Day Laborers and No Papers No Fear Riders Unite Against Harassment, Housing Violations, Retaliation for Organizing
August 21, 2012
National delegation of undocumented immigrants on the No Papers No Fear ride for Justice will join day laborers living in Hoover, Alabama who have been organizing against harassment, housing violations, deportations and retaliation from organizing for their rights.
Hoover, AL -- Although day laborers have a constitutional right to assemble and seek work in public, Hoover, AL workers have repeatedly been told by building management that they cannot seek work outside or wait for their own employers, even in the parking lot of their own apartment complex, where they are rent-paying tenants. Building managers have verbally abused them, called the police when workers don’t disperse quickly enough, leading event to deportations and police harassment.
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Juan Jose Mangandi: Our Best Kept Secret is Our Own Community's Strength
August 17, 2012
Juan Jose Mangandi is an artist and playwright who works as a day laborer in California. He joined the no papers no fear ride for justice to confront rejection and inspire pride within the migrant community.Juan Jose Mangandi es un artista, escritor de teatro y trabaja como jornalero en California. Participa en la jornada por la justicia para confrontar el desprecio de los migrantes y inspirar orgullo dentro la misma comunidad. -
Promotoras de salud con los jornaleros de Gretna
August 13, 2012
Durante su parada en Nueva Orleans, promotoras de salud de Puente Arizona visitaban a la esquina de jornaleros de Gretna para escuchar de su experiencia, hacer consultas de salud, y promover la vida sana.During the stop in New Orleans, health promoters from Puente Arizona who are riding on the No Papers No Fear ride for justice stopped at the Gretna day laborer corner to hear their stories, do basic health consultations, and promote healthy living.Read More » -
Sin papeles y sin miedo visita a los jornaleros de Gretna
August 13, 2012
La jornada por la justicia vistaba a la esquina de los jornaleros de Gretna, formada después de Katrina y por medio de una lucha para el derecho de buscar trabajo. Los jornaleros sigan reconstruyendo la ciudad y buscando una vida mejor.
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The ride for justice visited the day laborer corner in Gretna, formed after Katrina and through a struggle for the right to look for work. The day laborers there continue to reconstruct the city and search for a better life.
Jornalero Coming Out of the Shadows Day
August 12, 2012
I left feeling like day laborers in New Orleans and in Tucson and all over the country need to know that we are free. That we need to organize in order to fight back towards abuses and seek help. We are not alone, and it is easier for something bad to happen to us when we are, whether is with the police, immigration or accidents.
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As I left that corner, I asked them if they would come out of the shadows in support, and at least three workers said yes. I look forward to the day when we can have day laborers from all over the country unite and talk about our experiences, a jornalero coming out of the shadows day.