Bio: Sean McClellan
July 19, 2012
Sean McClellan was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois. He is a volunteer and organizer with the Immigrant Youth Justice League, an organization led by undocumented people. He attended the University of Chicago and got a degree in anthropology and pre-med. During his college time he spent two summers in Guatemala, where he interned at a medical non-governmental organization. It was here that he began to see the effects of United States immigration and deportation policies, and how much two countries are connected. Through his service work he began to become interested in organizing, recognizing the need to address structural problems that would not be addressed “unless people who are directly affected have more power.” In the fall of 2011 he attended a hearing about the Secure Communities program in Chicago, and witnessed a civil disobedience by 5 undocumented organizers from the Immigrant Youth Justice League. He says the need for a change in immigration legislation is a “big moral crisis that is not being addressed as a crisis.” He is on the bus because he is “frustrated with the way our immigration system treats people. I want more people to fight back against it.”
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