Mi primera desobediencia civil - Kitzia
October 17, 2012
Observo a Maria y Alejandro, con respeto por el valor que tienen pero también con mucho temor por las consequencias que existen en tomar una decisión tan fuerte para apoyar a avanzar la historia del lado de la liberación de nuestra gente.
Desde hace días vengo observando la transformación de Maria que conozco desde que era adolecente como una mujer muy humilde y de voz sencilla, desde que vi el video en donde habla con indignación de los reportes sobre nuestros derechos civiles (que mas bien son basura, como ella misma lo dijo). Su voz penetra hasta en mis huesos en el video y estoy anciosa a subirme al autobús con ella y con mi mama, otra guerrera que me ha ensenado tanto.
Migrants across U.S. taking protests to defiant new level
September 21, 2012
A growing number of undocumented immigrants in Arizona and other states are taking immigration protests to a new extreme, staging acts of civil disobedience by deliberately getting arrested in order to be turned over to federal immigration officials.
Often wearing T-shirts declaring themselves "undocumented and unafraid," the protesters have sat down in streets and blocked traffic, or occupied buildings in several cities including Phoenix and Tucson.
Dozens of protesters have been arrested, but in almost every case, federal immigration officers have declined to deport those in the country illegally. Protesters say they are planning more acts of civil disobedience, including possibly in Phoenix.
The acts are intended to openly defy stepped-up immigration enforcement that has led to record deportations over the past three years.
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Comedy Central Meets Undocubus
September 11, 2012
Word Association with Comedy Central
September 11, 2012
The Undocumented Bus: In Charlotte, A Different Kind Of Coming Out
September 04, 2012
The bus is always the center of attention. Partly because it's a hulking 1970s tour bus that somehow made it from Arizona all the way to Charlotte, but mostly because of what's inscribed on the side of it in thick, black letters.
"Sin Papeles, Sin Miedo," it reads in Spanish. "No papers, no fear."
Carrying a bunch of undocumented activists, the bus rolled through the country, through states like Arizona, Texas, Louisiana and Georgia, and into Charlotte on the eve of the Democratic National Convention.
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The Nation: Undocubus at the DNC
September 04, 2012
Enfrentando Leyes Anti-Inmigrantes Sin Papeles, Sin Miedo
September 03, 2012
Esperaba con entusiasmo unirme a la caravana por la justicia, y viajar en el “Undocubus” y conocer a los “riders” por quienes sentía profunda admiración y respeto por su determinado valor, y por que mis dos hijas han estado en el camión por las ultimas 6 semanas. Llegué el domingo 26 de Agosto a Atlanta a las 4 de la mañana y salimos rumbo a Knoxville, Tennessee.
Durante el viaje todos íbamos catando alegres y optimistas. Llegamos a una iglesia donde se nos dio un espacio para dormir y siempre tuvimos el cariño de los numerosos voluntarios que preparaban abundantes desayunos y exquisitas comidas. Cuanto respeto me inspiraron, querían saberlo todo. De donde veníamos, querían escuchar nuestras historias, querían que supiéramos que ellos nos apoyaban plenamente.
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Undocumented DNC Protestors Run the Risk of Deportation
September 02, 2012
Two questions determine the destiny of Mecklenburg County jail inmates.
Sheriff Chipp Bailey explained to WBTV Friday, "There are two (questions) that ask if they are born in the United States, or if they are citizens of the United States?"
Bailey says an answer of "no" means the federal government will then step in.
"If they are found to be in the country undocumented - we're gonna contact Immigration Customs Enforcement."
Immigration Rights Advocates Pull into Charlotte for the DNC
September 02, 2012
One is a stay-at-home mom of three. Another is a construction worker. One is a student who hopes to attend graduate school for math and economics.
All of them risked deportation to demand greater rights for undocumented immigrants.
They, along with 22 others, arrived in Charlotte Saturday evening on the “Undocubus.”
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What we bring to Charlotte
September 01, 2012
After 10 states and more than fifteen cities, we will arrive in Charlotte, North Carolina today.
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The city is the home to one of the biggest promoters of the 287(g) deportation program. It will be host to the Democratic National Convention. And it is the place that people like Isaide Serrano, a pregnant mother of five and member of La Familia Unida who faces deportation court on Tuesday, live their lives.
Charlotte is also the site of our last week of the No Papers No Fear Ride for Justice.