Travel Notes by Julio Salgado
August 31, 2012
Julio Salgado, a DREAMer and CultureStriker, sends us a dispatch from the UndocuBus, a project of the “No Papers, No Fear” campaign, as it makes it way across the country to Charlotte, NC, site of the upcoming Democratic National Convention:
A Juanes song, “La Camisa Negra,” is blasting from a small black speaker inside the UndocuBus. Mari Cruz and Chela are seated at the front of the bus and are singing along—they know all the words, about a black shirt and a broken heart. The folks in the small bunk beds at the back of the bus are encouraging the celebration, when suddenly the iPod connected to the speaker loses its Pandora signal. That’s the thing about this ride. The unexpected is bound to occur.
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Website Yes, Legal Status, No: "No Papers, No Fear" Hopes to Build a Movement for Undocumented Immigrations
August 31, 2012
One of the riders of the Undocubus facing down a policeman. Photo courtesy of No Papers, No Fear
The online video shows a man in a white sweatshirt standing in a cavernous conference room, his arms aloft holding a banner. In the background, a voice drones over a tinny public-address system.
"I'm undocumented, and I'm not afraid," the man in the sweatshirt declares.
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Watching Our Parents Come Out of the Shadows
August 30, 2012
On August 14-17, I and five other members of the Immigrant Youth Justice League (IYJL) followed the No Papers No Fear Ride to their stops in Memphis and Nashville, Tennessee and Birmingham, Alabama. Those four days made me optimistic of the growth our community and movement is making.
The strength and courage the people on the bus have is inspiring as it shows the determination they have to live and organize without fear. Since the first day that we arrived in Memphis, we realized the diversity and intergenerational make up of the bus. The people telling their stories in public community events were of all ages and various backgrounds.
As somebody who has participated in the Coming Out of the Shadows rally in Chicago, I was excited to see adults coming out alongside youth. Every person who shared his or her story through words, theater, dance, or poetry did it with conviction. They spoke without shame and were unapologetic and unafraid.
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Oregonians show solidarity with No Papers No Fear Ride for Justice, lift up local cases and demands action
August 30, 2012
Portland, Oregon -- Local undocumented community leaders and families will share their stories and come out of the shadows to demand that elected officials address Multnomah county law enforcement’s relationship with ICE. The rally will be followed by a press conference and a “Coming Out of the Shadows” act by undocumented Oregonians.
The press conference will highlight local campaigns that are building a stronger and safer immigrant community. The “Coming Out of the Shadow” action will have testimonials from individuals directly impacted by police/ICE collaboration. The Oregon Dream Activists are working locally and nationally to demand that ICE stop deporting innocent young people and their families.
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No Papers No Fear’ Delegation Makes First Stop in North Carolina Towards Democratic National Convention, Supports Undocumented Immigrants of Asheville
August 30, 2012
A national delegation of undocumented immigrants visits western North Carolina to challenge practice of constant police check-points targeting undocumented immigrants, racial profiling and support workers in deportation proceedings, specifically those targeted in the 2011 Shogun Restaurant immigration raid. The No Papers No Fear riders arrive after a series of direct actions and civil disobedience rallying the migrant community to overcome fear and organize to challenge anti-immigrant policies.
Asheville, NC – For the last 6 weeks three dozen undocumented immigrants have traveled across the southern United States sharing their stories living and organizing undocumented, supporting local organizing taking place in immigrant communities, and challenging Sheriffs that are implementing anti-immigrant policies designed to scare immigrant communities. The arrive into North Carolina after a successful civil disobedience in Knoxville, Tennessee, where 2 undocumented riders and 2 allies were arrested, and then let go, proving once again the power of being out of the shadows and having an organized community.
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UndocuBus Riders Find Struggle and Hope in Knoxville
August 29, 2012
Knoxville’s Church of the Savior was buzzing with energy last night. Some 70 locals prepared a potluck feast for UndocuBus riders, who have spent the last three days in eastern Tennessee. Riders include people of all ages, including students, day laborers, and domestic workers, and they’re headed to the Democratic National Convention.
Last night’s generosity is indicative of the support riders have experienced since the ride started in Phoenix, Arizona more than a month ago. While UndocuBus is reaching out to those people who have been most affected by draconian immigration laws, they’re also building community with white allies who are helping to feed and house the riders as they head towards Charlotte for the convention.
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All Four Immigrant Rights Advocates Arrested on Gay Street Released, No Papers No Fear Bus Tour Heads Towards Democratic National Convention, Local Groups Continue Fight
August 29, 2012
Two undocumented immigrants, including one from Knoxville, and two supporters have been released, and are ready to head towards the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina with the No Papers No Fear Ride for Justice. Alejandro was released last night from the Knox County Sheriff Detention Facility. Local groups to continue fight against 287(g), Secure Communities and deportations.
The No Papers No Fear Ride for Justice is a national delegation of undocumented people and allies that left Phoenix, Arizona on the anniversary of the state's implementation of SB1070, July 29th, and is travelling towards the Democratic National Convention rallying the migrant community to overcome fear and organize to challenge anti-immigrant policies along the way. The action takes place 7 days before the group reaches Charlotte, North Carolina.
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Migration is a Human Right
August 29, 2012
Migration is a human right
Whether on foot, bike or flight.
It is how the souls of the living connect with those of the dead.
It is how dreams travel
After they have been incubated in someone's head.Migration is life.
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Migration is culture.
It how dreams plan for a better future.
It is how the starving reject famine.
How the brave refuse to live in fear.
It is the way the world was built,
the ultimate law of the land.
Migration is what happens when love transcends borders.
It is the joy of a life worth fighting for,
The pain of the war-torn. -
One Arrested, Three Cited Protesting 287(g) in Knoxville
August 29, 2012
Originally Published at WBIR
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A protest Tuesday led to several people being taken into custody.
Protesters were voicing their concerns over a program called 287(g) that the Knox County's Sheriff's Office is considering for inmates here. It's a partnership with federal authorities to check an immigrant's legal status.
Tuesday afternoon, protesters, including illegal immigrants, protested near the sheriff's office. Some are traveling across the country spreading a message they call "No papers, no fear."
They joined East Tennesseans, including an undocumented man named Alejandro Guizar. He was one of several people detained for blocking the intersection of Gay Street and Hill Avenue. -
Sin Papeles y Sin Miedo en Homestead, FL
August 29, 2012
El pasado Domingo 26 de Agosto, a pesar de la fuerte lluvia y viento que trajo la tormenta tropical Issac, un grupo de 30 valientes adultos y chicos de la comunidad inmigrante de Homestead y miembros de WeCount! salió a manifestarse en frente La Michoacana Ice Cream Shop en contra la implementación del programa de inmigración "Comunidades Seguras" (S-Comm) y en apoyo a la Caravana SIN PAPELES, SIN MIEDO (UndocuBus), una caravana de inmigrantes indocumentados que actualmente viaja desde Arizona a Carolina del Norte atravesando los estados del sur llevando un mensaje de valentía y amor sobreponiéndose al racismo y odio contra los indocumentados.