Gerardo: I'm a queer undocumented Mexican. We Exist. We're involved.
July 31, 2012
No papers no fear profile on Gerardo Torres, undocumented and queer.
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Perfil de Gerardo Torres un trabajador de construcción y persona de la comunidad LGBTQ. -
Why I'm Riding to Charlotte
July 31, 2012
In six weeks I will arrive in Charlotte accompanied by a full bus of other undocumented people, after visiting with immigrant communities who face discrimination, supporting their efforts to affirm their dignity and no longer be afraid.
Like many others, I’m tired of living in fear. I’ve lived here for 18 years but didn’t get involved until Gov. Jan Brewer signed Arizona’s SB1070 in 2010. At that point, I knew that something had to be done....
We’ll come to Charlotte where we hope the president will be inspired by our example of courage. He has shown that he has the power to relieve our suffering. We’re doing what we must for our children to have better lives and for those of us who have lived in the shadows to finally be included fully in this country. We hope those who have the power to make that happen will do more to make it real.
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Hija, Respuesta a tu carta.
July 31, 2012
Me siento orgullosa de ti al expresarte en la carta que me enviaste. Porque es cierto todo lo que expresas, luché y luché con mis tres hijos al llegar a este país hasta sacarlos adelante, sin papeles y sin miedo y con multitud de obstáculos que se me presentaban.
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Carta a Una Madre Luchadora
July 30, 2012
Hoy al comenzar tu recorrido por los campos de batalla del sur de los EEUU siento un gran orgullo decir que tengo una madre tan fuerte y valiente. Desde que yo tengo razón siempre has luchado, si no es por algo es por lo otro. ¡Así es como es mi gente! ¡Siempre luchando, porque nunca nada se nos ha dado! Al contrario mucho se nos a arrebatado; mucho se nos ha negado. Somos gente humilde y trabajadora, eso no ha cambiado. La llama en tu corazón y la de muchos en nuestra comunidad nunca se ha apagado, aunque soplen y soplen para que se apague. Toda la injusticia y todos los ataques que han querido quebrantar el alma y las esperanzas en nuestra comunidad no han logrado su objetivo, al contrario han creado el aire para que estas llamas brillen más que nunca y para que se enciendan aun más; encendidas por coraje, indignación, amor y valor para luchar. Tomamos sus ataques y los convertimos en combustible para seguir luchando. Para que este fuego de lucha y esperanza se extienda imparablemente abarcando e inspirando a nuestras comunidades a seguir su ejemplo y a superar el miedo. Son de las personas más valientes que eh conocido.
Indocumentados piden justicia en recorrido nacional
July 29, 2012
Un grupo de indocumentados participará en un recorrido en autobús por varias ciudades del país para pedir justicia que culminará en septiembre en la convención nacional demócrata que se celebrará en Charlotte (Carolina del Norte).
El recorrido nacional, denominado "Sin papeles, sin miedo. Recorrido por la justicia", comenzó este sábado en Arizona y en él participan cuatro indocumentados.
El Freedom Ride Migrante - NYT
July 29, 2012
La noche del domingo o el lunes temprano, alrededor de tres docenas de personas están planeando emprender un viaje de autobús de seis semanas a través del oscuro terreno de la política migratoria estadounidense. Su viaje empieza, justamente, en el desierto de Arizona, capital nacional de leyes anti-inmigrantes y de opresión policial.
Atravesará otros estados donde las leyes y políticas fallidas obligan a los inmigrantes a trabajar fuera de la ley - Nuevo México, Colorado, Texas, Luisiana, Alabama, Georgia y Tennessee – y terminará en Carolina del Norte durante la Convención Nacional Democrática. -
'No Papers, No Fear' Justice Ride Arrives to Denver to Show In Solidarity With Colorado's Undocumented Immigrants
July 29, 2012
Tuesday July 31st, a group of undocumented immigrants and supporters will arrive in Denver, Colorado to join Colorado worker and immigrant organizations for their first stop of the ‘No Papers, No Fear Ride for Justice.’
The group arrives following the first event of the tour in Phoenix, Arizona – a protest against Maricopa County Sheriff Arpaio's racial profiling, where four undocumented Arizonans were arrested during a peaceful civil disobedience outside of his trial. The four were released, calling for Aspiring Americans to challenge fear and organize against those that promote anti-immigrant policies locally and nationally.
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NY Times: Migrants' Freedom Ride
July 29, 2012
This small group has already won an important victory, a victory against fear. At the cramped offices of Puente Arizona, the Phoenix organization behind the “UndocuBus,” volunteers kept busy last week updating calendars and working phone banks. They made papier-mâché masks and silk-screen posters, and decorated plastic buckets for drumming. There was packing to be done, a bus to be painted. Saturday was the day for a march, Sunday will be for the gathering in a city park, for eating, singing and saying goodbyes. After that, the bus will roll.
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Migrants Plan Multi-State Protest Tour - USA Today
July 28, 2012
Natally Cruz, 24, was brought to the country without documented by her family when she was 7. All her life, she tried to live under the radar, trying to avoid contact with police or immigration officials. When Arizona passed SB 1070, a law designed to crack down on undcoumented immigrants in 2010, she started protesting more openly.
She has joined a growing number of undcoumented immigrants who have "come out" in recent years, declaring their status in hopes of drawing more attention to their situation. She said that strategy is meant to counter people such as Maricopa County (Ariz.) Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who has made targeting undocumented immigrants a focal point of his term in office.
"If he sees our community scared, he has the motivation to keep doing what he's doing, to keep us in the shadows," Cruz said. "If we show him we're not scared, he kind of loses his power."
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NY Times: Bus Ride to Live in Shadows No More
July 28, 2012
They hope to expand on the activist role carved out by immigrants who were brought to the country as children, many of whom would be shielded from deportation under a policy enacted last month by the Obama administration. (Many of the riders on the bus are the parents of young people whose protests eventually spurred the administration’s action.)
“I’m running this risk because I want us to be respected, I want us to be recognized as the human beings that we are,” Maria Cruz Ramirez said at the party, where she sat before a makeshift stage, surrounded by other bus riders.
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